If you have encountered with vintage Chanel(s) before, you might have seen this little gold sticker inside the bag (usually inside pocket).

This is not the hologram serial! This gold sticker indicates that item’s purchase date, and this practice was only used by Chanel Japan stores.

How to read it? This is the tricky part! Take the sticker in this photo as example: 94 is the year, 10 is the month, 22 is the day, OR is the sale location. So, this bag was purchased on 22nd October 1994 at the OR store.

Cool isn’t it! This little piece of precious info isn’t just memorable to the first owner who bought it, but also an interesting quirk to next owner(s)!

Above information is solely our opinions and intended for sharing only, it does not represent the mentioned brand(s). If any external media was used, credits and rights are reserved and owned by their respective owners.

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